Monday, October 17, 2011

Rolling Stone: Steve Jobs, as Remembered by His First Girlfriend

Everyone is capitalizing on this, and Rolling Stone probably did a good job better than most. They've got a cover story on Steve Jobs that included an essay from Chrisann Brennan, Jobs' first girlfriend and the mother of Lisa, revealing a side of Jobs before Apple.

While most of the things that Brennan writes are things we already know, she manages to describe him in his raw and early spirit, motivated by something else other than typical limitations like worrying or expectations. An excerpt:
We had very little money and no foreseeable prospects. One evening after we had splurged on dinner and a movie, we walked back to our car to discover a $25 parking ticket. I just turned inside out with despair, but Steve did not seem to care. He had a deep well of patience when it came to discouragements. We drove to the ocean near Crissy Field in San Francisco and walked out onto the beach to see the sunset, where I began talking about money worries. He gave me a long, exasperated look, reached into his pockets and took the few last coins and dollars we had and threw them into the ocean. All of them.

The entire Rolling Stone article is worth a read. Check it out here: [Rolling Stone]

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