Sunday, October 27, 2013

Superstitious Belief

Filipinos are known to be superstitious in so many ways as it is part our culture; we grew up with it and believed in for sometime
According to Wikipedia, Superstition is a pejorative term for belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events, such as astrology, religion, omens, witchcraft, etc., that contradicts natural science.

From where I came from, superstitious belief is common. My great grandmother is a white healer, few of my grandmothers who lives in the deep province are known to be a “modera” or quack doctors, the very common task they do is to assist the birthing process the natural way and heal those who are struck by bad curse and love potion, I guess, from what I have witnessed certain things unexplained by science do exist…
Here are few of many beliefs ( which I can easily recall) :

1.)      Gifting a loved one with a wallet should accompanied by a coins or a dollar inside for good luck
2.)     Never cut nails after 6pm as bad luck will come upon you
3.)     When one dreams of a falling teeth means a death of a loved one
4.)     Snake appeared in your dream means you’ll be betrayed
5.)      Never pose or take pictures in three as the person in the middle will die
6.)     Never clean the table when unmarried person is still eating as she/he will never be married unless, she’ll turn her plate clockwise
7.)      Hung Garlic in the window to ward evil spirit, “aswang”, vampire and anything related  entity
8.)     If you break a mirror, you’ll have 7 years bad luck
9.)     Accidentally dropping a fork on the fork means a male visitor will drop by, A spoon means a female
10.)  Don’t whistle at night as this would means calling in bad spirit
11.)    Sweeping the floor at night means sweeping the fortune away
12.)  When someone sleep with wet hair, that person may go blind
13.)  When your palm is itchy, it means money will come
14.)  If you jump on New year’s eve, you become tall
15.)  Never give your loved one a handkerchief  or she’ll be crying the whole year

These superstitious beliefs are part of being a Filipino, a portion of our culture that makes us who we are and different from others. But we must remember that we should not limit on what we do because of these beliefs. We are Filipino, gifted with brilliant minds and good heart to chose what we believe and follow, We are responsible for what we do and the effects of our actions.

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