Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm Bored...>!

Everyday is a challenge, becoming a mom is not easy it’s a task of a lifetime; you’ll never understand your parents until you are in their shoes, it’s a mixture of excitement + stamina,

As I see my kids grew up and learning more everyday I started to have that feeling of jolt deep within, scared of what would the future bring and till when I’m going to stay in this world, I want them to be secured as they venture into their lives, I want them to have what I don’t have during those times

I wanted to do something, something that would change me as a mom, as a regular employee as an ordinary citizen of Kuwait… I wanted more beyond my horizon to give out the best for my kids in the future….

I’m actually bored, I can’t think of anything but my kids while I’m sitting here in my desk wandering thoughts in many places, forgive me for posting this!!

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