Sunday, June 5, 2022


They said: As you grow older, you realized, Learned and Experience many things in life,  I, for one, Life has molded me to become the strong woman I am, oh well, I don’t really consider myself as strong (not even half of oprah or michelle obama) but looking back from childhood days till now, I feel that all in all I made it thru a rough life, growing up struggling to find that missing pieces  inside, force myself to grow up faster than my age, I've abused both my physical and mental capacity to survive and accept the fact that, I have only myself to hold and lean on,  I need to stand alone and protect myself and my sister, I have exhausted every inch of  pain to create my world, my life and my experiences. 

At the age of 6, I already understand the value of hard-work, I sell metals/scraps  while studying,  and I continue to work during my college days as a service crew in different fast food chain it was a hard-life. 

My mom sacrifices herself to work abroad to provide us a better life, a decision that makes me and my sister became orphan in a distant,  I grew up, understanding that to live and be healthy is the most important things in life than to have a complete family. I numb myself from everything, working and studying day and night in pursuit to find success and happiness in time. HAPPINESS which I cannot even define

Now that, I’m at my 40’s my world started to slow down yet I still feel that I haven’t achieve anything, I’m still who I am, only, older with a better skills and a family to share my every experience in life, and you know what, the slower I’ve become, the more I see life clearly and yes!!!, body aches and cramps slowly exist in my system that I now appreciate REST and being lazy at times is ok and it feels really good.  

The point is, in my years of living I never had that moment to pause and balance life, I was constantly working and struggle to find that validation from others, forgetting that in every passing days it becomes a memory I can no longer rewind. 

My physical being starts to ache yet my mind still in perfect condition I continue to live forward in my boundless world yet limited time. I do not fear death, but it saddened me to think that, I will have to leave my kids when my time comes. 

To my READERS:  ALWAYS VALUE time and every chance we live and breathe, we become old and slow, even vague in many things, Keep moving  and continue to walk the journey of life, create BALANCE and know that GOD has given us all the opportunities to enjoy and live life to the fullest, take every chances to live life the way you want it to be,  CREATE a memory worth remembering as you grow old you have that in you to smile and cherish

Till Here and Don’t forget to say: I LOVE YOU and Appreciate LIFE EVERYDAY!!



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