Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Family Vacation Panic....

(Photo credits: google search)

For 7 years I was not able to visit my home country because of so many reason, and now, we finally decided to bring the whole family for vacation this august, I was very excited about it at first but as days goes by I finally felt the tension, the panic and the stress of preparation, the kids, fare tickets, expenses and so many things

And last night,  watching the news on TFC makes me want to stay in Kuwait I don’t feel like going back to Philippines because of so many negativity I have seen on tv especially the kidnapping of kids and airport thrillas, I’m scared to death thinking about it…  I’m trying to calm and keep my senses in the proper functions as I’m starting to feel a bit insane….,

For the parents out there who are traveling with kids, my advice is:

- To make a checklist of important things to be accomplished beforehand,
- Always check the residency & passport validity of each member,
- Create a list of things to pack for kids and adults
- To lessen the cost of airfare booked it in advance
    but pay when it is in low season
- Be calm and think of the things that makes you happy and stay positive…

I can only hope to enjoy our family vacation and share with you our fun and photos….

Till next time...

Wisemummy :-)