Sunday, February 12, 2023

Kite Flying on the Weekend..Super Fun

On a typical FRIDAY after I officially open a small shop located in Hawally, I usually stay home or go out for breakfast with the family. Since I feel committed to completing all chores at home, I immediately go home.

I was overly stressed the previous days, and woke up on Friday just wanting to get out and breathe. My kids are also in need of some fresh space to explore and refresh their minds after exams and studies.

So early Friday morning, we bought some Filipino pack foods and headed to BNEIDAR to watch kite flying. It's in the middle of a desert, has no fees or anything like that. Just drive there, park your car, and have fun.

A super fun and inexpensive way to relax, eat, and enjoy the place over the weekend.

                                                                  Video Vlog 

Location here

Kite Flying held every FRIDAY from 11:00NN till 5 pm

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