Thursday, October 20, 2011

the BIG SCHOOL and small US

So remember this POST ?  the discrimination, the forgotten orders and rude receptionist!!

it never end,  I guess, we have made a wrong decision of enrolling our son in such school,  everything is out of place and I never seen so much irresponsible in any corner of their customer service!!...

Yesterday we have received a PAYMENT REMINDER from the school with a remark " TO "IMMEDIATELY pay it before or on 24 of OCT,  I was really shocked since, we already settled the payment on the given deadline that was Sept. 01,2011 in full amount, no balance or partial payment... IN FULL 1st payment agreement!!!!

So why the heck we need to received such reminder when they have given us the receipt voucher and invoice of the payment..... its a big amount (for us) to be just unrecorded and why it is not been acknowledge properly on their records???!

so what happen now??!! they will apologize??? I GUESS NOT!!!....  my husband is on his way to the school now,  will see how the school response to this.. I'll post the documents as well later...

for now, I'm a bit free from the pain and hate as I have burst it out here, keeping myself strong for another horrible service that may come!!  ***BIG SIGH******

this is also to say that it is the worst school experience we ever had!!,  and so finally, decided to transfer my son into new institution next year!..... GODSWILL!!

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