Showing posts with label kuwait blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kuwait blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Horse Racing in Kuwait

Its Race day Monday !!!! This is my first ever glimpse of an actual horse racing event.

It was fun and exciting at the same time.

Horse Racing Event in Kuwait, Every Monday from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm at the Equestrian Racing Club in Sabhan near to Sahara hotel. 

This event is only happening during winter season so take the opportunity to watch and see Arabian horses in action.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Wisemummy81 note to Life

I accidentally seen a sponsored video posted in Instagram about Bbusiness Venture, 

I totally forgot the account name as I was so focus on the speaker, it was actually in Arabic but a readable translation in English was available. 

The speaker then said that EMPLOYEES are slaves, if you want to have a life then don’t be a slave.  

In ancient time it is called slavery and In this new generation we called it EMPLOYEE, why??!!

Can you travel without permission from your employer???    

Can you come and go without permission from your employer??

Can you a make decision without agreement from you employer?? 

You’re paid to work and from the moment you sign your work contract you already surrendered your "rights" to your employers. 

Don’t live as an employee for the rest of your life when you can have the opportunity to create a business for yourself.

It’s a short video but the message is very powerful, as a mother and a regular employee I can hope that I have all the time to be with my kids, serve my family and generate good income to help my husband providing a better future for all of us, all my life even studying in college I had been working, there was never a time I stop working for a reason. 

Now that I’m married with kids I’m still in the corporate with brighter and huge responsibilities at work, I get use to the working environment that I did not realize there is more to what I can offer.

Now with such video, I started to see different perspective in life and re-think of my options and probably find a better opportunities that life has to offer perhaps taking risk is part of it, I’m not saying I’m giving up my work but I’m taking each step slowly with a clear vision for future plans.

Wish me good luck and all the best for everyone!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Wisemumm81 Chillax

It’s been a while since I’m struggling to find time to blog, over the years, I had been in a state of confusion as to continue or not, something that makes me feel sad but somehow, I realize that it’s about finding that balance within. 

Then it takes me into the best part by asking myself... why did I started blogging???!!! 
I was naïve back then and I just want to write to gain that confidence in writing. I’m not a writer by profession and it is my constant struggle to write, I have a lot of fear and making grammar mistakes is one of many things I do not want to commit (Filipinos are known to be grammatically bullies) but how can I commit that, when I know I do not have that potential to be good in writing and that’s where I realized I have to start writing in public in my own terms and space, I feel that just by starting this blog, I am able to boost at least a little percent of my confidence. After all, I will not be crucified not be in jail for committing grammar mistakes.

Guess, what!? It’s over 2 years now and still wisemummy81 is still up and chillin’…..
I am proud of what I have achieved and I could not ask for more.
Thank you for dropping by my space I hope that you are able to pick up something useful here… hehehehe…

For “not-so” confident blogger like myself or beginners, just hold on to that dream … find that balance and enjoy what you’re doing!!

Love Lots,
