Sunday, May 6, 2012

Goossshhh.... my husband calls me Weird!!

Most woman loves to be at their best even in a simple stroll in the mall, I used to be the girl who doesn’t care about my looks as long as I’m comfy, my day clothes can sometimes be my party dress and also become my office clothes ( hehehe..I know what ur thinking…!) ,

It only sinks into my mind that I have to change my usual style because my husband finds it annoying!!  How many times he told me that I really am a strange woman but it doesn’t bother me at all…

And the funny thing is that, I woke up one day with a lovely letter posted on our fridge with a title “Why my wife is WEIRD! “

Here are few things he listed:

1.)   She don’t use lotion but her skin is perfectly glowing
2.)  She collects branded perfumes but none of it was used
3.)  She can get out of the house not being noticed by anyone
4.)  Coffee is like heaven to her,  she can live with coffee alone
5.)  She is allergic to 5KD and above price, so I end up paying things she likes but doesn’t want to take because it’s 5KD…for heaven sake!!!!
6.)  She used lipsticks as her blush on and eye shadow
7.)  She don’t get tired of walking and window shopping
8.)  She wears weird shoes and sneakers THAT makes me feel old…!
9.)  She farts very loud and laughs out loud as if no one is AROUND her!
10.)                     She gave me an invoice and request for rental payment every time I use her Laptop for a Job…!

Now I know, why I end up loving her because I see HOW NORMAL SHE IS  when it comes to love... she loves me naturally with no conditions, she can be weird but I always enjoy every weirdness I discover in her….! 

Awwwwww……… so sweeeeettttt….. Though, I hate to read things that make me feel I’m totally out of this world!!... Reality bites! Aw!!!

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