Wednesday, June 1, 2011

...! oooohhhh.... COSPLAY!

What is CosPlay?


Cosplay is a term that originated in Japan but is based on the English words “Costume Play,” essentially play-acting in costumes. In Japan, CosPlay is not limited to anime/manga, but also a staple of many other entertainment industries such as science fiction and horror.

CosPlaying can be divided into two categories: basic cosplay and Masquerade. While basic cosplay only involves an attempt to look like a particular character, either in the halls of a convention or on stage, Masquerade is much more involved. When masquerading, CosPlayers attempt to act as the character would. They often have prepared skits with memorized lines, and the more advanced masqueraders can easily ad-lib their character’s personality.

It's lovely and totally creative, I cannot imagine doing it for my kids but I really like the idea of having those anime' and favorite characters comes to life...!!

BUT!!  it scared me to death to see something like THIS!!....

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